Polus-IN External Magnetic Field Detector is an advanced detecting system created to help Utilities directly address electricity, water and gas thefts. Our detector will give clear answer concerning unauthorized tampering in electricity, water and gas meters by means of strong permanent magnets.
Polus-IN external magnetic field detector is used for the visual detection of permanent magnetic field exposure on electric, water and gas – meters.
The detector essentially comprises of patented magnetic sensor and tamper evident label with printed serial number. The small and compact detector is available in various designs and is ideally suited for the applications with limited available space.
The key features of our design are optimal sensitivity, no maintenance, zero power consumption and low price.
When the indicator is installed, it has a psychological effect on potential electricity, gas or water thieves leading to vigorous reduction of strong magnets use.
Polus-IN external magnetic field detector is provided as an economical and effective solution for the prevention of energy theft.
EMFD-1 changes color and form of figures depending on the value of external magnetic field (or distance from the source of magnetic field). Figures changes irreversibly when external magnetic field is about 100mT and disappears fully when external magnetic field reaches 500mT.
Transformation of figures under external magnetic field.
EMFD-2 changes its configuration instantly and irreversibly when external magnetic field is applied. Magnetic field exposure results in appearance of orange circle which is a clear evidence of manipulation with strong magnetic field. Magnetic sensor of EMFD-2 detector can be adjusted to desired operating threshold.
Initial State
After NdFeB magnet exposure |
Surface preparation
Magnetic detectors are suitable for the smooth surfaces of meters, which made of glass, plastic, metal (incl. varnished coatings). The surface should be dry, clean and degreased by ethanol (or extraction gasoline) before attaching.
Application EMFD-1∙EMFD-2 detectors for outer surface mounting.
Detach detector with tamper-evident label from silicon paper (be careful not to touch the adhesive layer with your fingers). Do not allow the adhesive layer to become contaminated with dust or dirt.
Apply the label to the surface with firm finger pressure to exclude air from behind the adhesive layer.
In the case of roughness, wrinkles or etc use a silicon spatula, select the softest spatula possible and do not use excessive pressure.
Tamper-evident label will reveal a “Void” message on both the label material and mating surface when the label is removed.
Additional information
In the case of low light conditions, use flashlight for the illuminating EMFD-1 detector. Directing light beam at aprox. 300 angle to the surface makes figures more contrast. If magnetic detector is installed in inaccessible place, use flashlight and compact mirror.
EMFD-2 detector does not need any extra supplies (flashlight and etc.).
The small and compact detector is available in various designs and is ideally suited for the applications with limited available space.
Service Temperature -400F to 2500F (-400C to 1210C).
Please visit our video demonstrations for watermeter and electricity meter:
EMFD-2 |
EMFD-2 |
EMFD-1 |
EMFD-2 |
If you don’t see exactly what you need or you have any questions, feel free to email us at polus-n@list.ru and we’ll help you find the right combination for your specific application and processing requirements.